The PROCARIBE+ Project's Work Plan is structured around 4 technical Components, with 9 associated Outcomes (i.e. higher-level "results"). In pursuing these Outcomes, PROCARIBE+ is expected to deliver a total of 18 Outputs ("products").
WHERE and WITH WHOM will we work?
The primary focus of PROCARIBE+ is on the countries from the Wider Caribbean Region (Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems).
8 Project Outputs are regional-level outputs, i.e. benefiting all countries from the region, with 1 additional Output being global in scope.
For 9 Outputs, PROCARIBE+ GEF-funding is provided for
location-specific activities. These "on-the-ground investments" focus on the 19 GEF-eligible countries that originally participated in the project's design.
Additional countries are benefiting from a strategic alliance between the PROCARIBE+ Project and the GEF Small Grants Programme.
Note: many of the location-specific Outputs still include a regional-level knowledge exchange/upscaling element.
The below table gives an overview of the PROCARIBE+ Project Components, Outcomes and Outputs, the entity(s) responsible for delivering each Output, and the corresponding beneficiary countries.
Note 1. Hyperlinks in the table will lead to the corresponding Output Pages, providing more specific information on work being planned / undertaken, and on the results being obtained. Output Pages are currently under development and will be progressively added.
Note 2. A more detailed pdf version of the Outcomes & Outputs table, including targets and metrics, can be obtainedhere.
OUTCOME 1.1. Coordinated, collaborative and synergistic implementation of regional, sub-regional and national (Strategic) Action Programmes and Plans in support of the CLME+ Vision, enabled through a regional Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM) and complementary, (thematic) partnership(s), and a regional programmatic approach
A new “Blue Economy” Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the region
Responsible Party(s):
UNOPS Regional Project Unit
COMPONENT 2. Creating national-level capacity and enabling conditions
OUTCOME 2.1. National-level capacity, enabling conditions and commitments for EBM/EAF and marine-based, climate and disaster-resilient “green-blue” socio-economic development
Output 2.1.1.
Advocacy & Support for enhanced National Intersectoral Coordination
Responsible Party(s):
UNOPS Regional Project Unit
Output 2.1.2.
1 prototype national State of the Marine Environment & associated Economies (SOMEE) report (Costa Rica)
Responsible Party(s):
to be confirmed
Output 2.1.3.
Training & capacity building for enhanced marine resources governance & management
Responsible Party(s): UNEP CEP, IOC of UNESCO / IOCARIBE
Output 2.1.4.
Mainstreaming marine and coastal assets in the next iteration(s) of the Nationally Determined Contributions (Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Jamaica and Panama)
Responsible Party(s):
to be confirmed
COMPONENT 3. On-the-ground action by all Sectors of Society
OUTCOME 3.1. Civil Society and MSME contributions to ocean conservation and ocean-based sustainable development & livelihoods/blue economies, upscaled
OUTCOME 3.2. Increased mobilization of private capital supporting environmental stress reduction and sustainable climate-smart blue economy initiatives, supporting CLME+ SAP implementation and post COVID-19 recovery, enabled
Output 3.1.1.
Small-grant financing of positive ocean actions by Civil Society (Antigua and Barbuda, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and St. Kitts and Nevis).
Responsible Party(s): UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme
Output 3.2.1.
Enabling conditions for sustainable financing instruments based on seagrass ecosystems (Panama)
Responsible Party(s):to be confirmed
OUTCOME 3.3. Expansion and integration of “Blue Economy”, Marine Spatial Planning and MPA/OECM efforts across the region (ecosystem approach), supporting ocean-based socio-economic development, recovery and resilience (Covid-19, hurricanes) and progressive delivery on international targets in the fields of: marine conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation
Output 3.3.1.
Blue Economy planning in Costa Rica
Responsible Party(s):
to be confirmed
Output 3.3.1.
Marine Spatial Planning efforts in Colombia, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Venezuelaand the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) countries (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras)
Responsible Party(s):
IMA, IOC of UNESCO / IOCARIBE + to be confirmed
Outputs 3.3.1-2.
Particular Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) for the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) countries (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras)
Responsible Party(s):to be confirmed
Output 3.3.2.
Enhanced area-based ocean conservation through Marine Protected Areas and other effective conservation measures in Colombia, Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Responsible Party(s):
UNEP CEP + to be confirmed
Output 3.3.2.
Fisheries Replenishment Zones in the Dominican Republic and the MAR region (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras)
Responsible Party(s):
to be confirmed
OUTCOME 3.4. Generalized implementation across the Wider Caribbean/WECAFC region of traceability systems is enabled for key fisheries and seafood products, as a key measure for sustainability and against IUU fishing
OUTCOME 3.5. Region-wide reduction of ghost fishing and negative habitat impacts from unsustainable spiny lobster fishing gear & practices, enabled
Output 3.4.1.a.
Implementation of traceability systems for key fisheries/seafood products including Queen conch, Spiny lobster and Shrimp in the Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama and Suriname
Responsible Party(s): OSPESCA, CRFM + to be confirmed
Output 3.4.1.b.
Regional-level actions to enable post-project upscaling and replication of fisheries/seafood traceability best practices & lessons learned
Responsible Party(s):
Output 3.5.1.a.
Reduction of ghost gear and unsustainable spiny lobster trap fishing practices (Honduras)
Responsible Party(s):
Output 3.5.1.a.
Regional-level actions to enable post-project upscaling and replication of spiny lobster fishing gear best practices & lessons learned
Responsible Party(s):
COMPONENT 4. Regional-level Knowledge Management & Global Exchange of Best Practices
OUTCOME 4.1. A well-articulated marine data, information and knowledge management infrastructure/network is enabled, (a) providing a science-policy interface; (b) supporting the development/updating, implementation and M&E of regional Action Programmes and Plans; (c) boosting and increasing the impacts of marine & coastal investments
OUTCOME 4.2. Increased regional and global impacts from GEF IW investments through global dissemination and sharing of experiences, and by forging synergies with other Regional Seas/LME/Regional Fisheries programmes and the wider community of International Waters/Ocean practitioners & stakeholders
Output 4.1.1.
Project website & OCM Knowledge Hub
Responsible Party(s):
UNOPS Regional Project Unit
Output 4.1.2.
OCM-adopted Blueprint for Marine Data Infrastructure
Responsible Party(s):
UNOPS Regional Project Unit
Output 4.1.3.
Regional State of the Marine Environment & associated Economies (SOMEE) report, informing the new SAP
Responsible Party(s):
UNOPS Regional Project Unit
Outputs 4.2.1-3.
Global experience sharing in collaboration with GEF IW:LEARN and other international partners.
Responsible Party(s):
UNOPS Regional Project Unit
PROCARIBE+ Outputs versus Beneficiary Countries
On the below interactive map, you can select from among the different PROCARIBE+ Outputs to see which countries stand to benefit1 from each output. Alternatively, you can select a country to see the list of outputs in which it is anticipated to be engaged and/or from which it stands to benefit.
Component 1
Ocean Coordination Mechanism
Wide-Ranging Partnerships
Strategic Action Programme 2015-2025
New Strategic Action Programme
Component 2
Intersectoral Coordination
National SOMEE
Training & Capacity Building
Nationally Determined Contributions
Component 3
Small Grants
Blue Carbon
Blue Strategies
Marine Spatial Planning
Marine Protected Areas
Seafood Traceability
Spiny Lobster Trap Fishing
Component 4
Knowledge Hub
Marine Data Infrastructure
Regional SOMEE
Global Experience Sharing
_______________ 1whereas all countries from, or with Territories in the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ region will be able to participate in and/or benefit from the regional-level project activities, direct financial support from the PROCARIBE+ GEF grant for specific on-the-ground (in-country) activities focusses on the GEF-eligible countries that provided a GEF OFP endorsement letter for the PROCARIBE+ Concept Note (UNDP/GEF PIF document).
Timeline for delivery
The approximate timeline for implementing the different activities under each of the project’s main outputs, both in terms of preparation and execution, is presented in the following table.
A more detailed, regularly updated Project Gantt Chart is accesable through this link.