A Healthy Marine Environment for Better Lives

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Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems. 
Successor to the CLME and CLME+ Projects.


The “CLME+ region”

The biodiversity-rich Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems provide a multitude of goods and ecosystem services to the nations and peoples that share this region, and far beyond.

In doing so, they hold enormous potential to support sustainable and climate-resilient “blue” socio-economic development. Yet, the region faces numerous challenges and threats that, if left unaddressed, will progressively degrade its marine and coastal natural assets and ability to underpin our common development aims.

Ocean Image

Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investments for sustainable Blue socio-Economic development

Ocean Image

PROCARIBE+ therefore seeks to:

Protect, restore and harness the natural coastal and marine capital of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems to catalyze investments in a climate-resilient, sustainable Blue Economy, through strengthened regional coordination and collaboration, and wide-ranging partnerships


One of a series of projects that support the implementation of the 10-year regional Strategic Action Programme (“CLME+ SAP”, 2015-2025).

0 years


May 2023 - April 2028

0 million


from the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

funded by

GEF logo

implemented by

UNDP logo

executed by

UNOPS logo
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Geographic Scope

The region

0 States
0 Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
0 Overseas Territories

Making it one of the most geopolitically complex regions in the world

The primary geographic focus of PROCARIBE+ is on the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems, jointly also referred to as the “CLME+ region”. This region comprises 26 States and 18 Overseas Territories, of which 16 are Small Island Developing States (SIDS), making it one of the most geopolitically complex regions in the world.

In this region, PROCARIBE+ will not work in a vacuum. Instead, it will be able to mainstream many of its activities into the work programmes of existing regional initiatives and organizations, such as the UNEP Regional Seas Programme/Cartagena Convention, the IOCARIBE Sub-Commission of the IOC of UNESCO, and the Regional Fisheries Bodies, to just name a few.

CLME map

Project Philosophy and Approach

The “SDG Wedding Cake” is an alternative representation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, that highlights the interdependencies between the “biosphere” and the “social” and “economic” Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG Wedding Cake
Source: Stockholm Resilience Centre

SDG Wedding Cake

This concept reflects the spirit of PROCARIBE+: a well-protected and restored ocean as the core of a healthy biosphere that underpins sustainable and climate-resilient socio-economic development.

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Thematic Scope

Acknowledging the need for investments in both strengthened ocean governance and on-the-ground action for marine ecosystem protection and sustainable Blue Economies, the PROCARIBE+ Project activities have been structured around 4 thematic components:

Regional Coordination & Collaboration

Regional Coordination & Collaboration

Implementing action programmes and plans through a regional Ocean Coordination Mechanism

National Enabling Conditions

National Enabling Conditions

Enabling national capacity and commitments for ecosystem approaches and Blue Economy development

Action by all Sectors of Society

Action by all Sectors of Society

Catalyzing actions for small grants, blue carbon credits, marine spatial planning, and improved fishing practices and traceability

Knowledge Management & Exchange

Knowledge Management & Exchange

Developing a regional marine data, information and knowledge management sharing mechanism

Cross-Cutting Issues

Cross-Cutting Issues

Mainstreaming gender, youth, safeguards, and climate considerations across all project activities

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Interactive Timeline

The operationalization through PROCARIBE+ Component 1 of the regional coordination mechanism for enhanced, integrated ocean governance (the “Ocean Coordination Mechanism” - OCM) constitutes a flagship project output. Progress towards OCM operationalization can be tracked here:

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Our Goals

1 regional

ocean coordination mechanism

7 countries

with improved marine spatial planning

5 NDCs

with better integration of marine environment

4,368,052  hectares

of new MPAs or with enhanced management effectiveness

34  small grants


Strategic Alignment

PROCARIBE+ aligns with key global accords and initiatives supporting ocean sustainability

Global Agenda Diagram
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Featured Content

New Year, New Project logo
Feb 14, 2025 Announcements
New Year, New Project logo

The PROCARIBE+ team is excited to launch its new project logo and brand identity! 

IMA Collaboration for Improved Coastal Planning
Sep 17, 2024 News articles
IMA Collaboration for Improved Coastal Planning

A new collaboration between the PROCARIBE+ Project and Trinidad and Tobago’s Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) has begun with the aim of improving coastal planning in support of the Blue Economy.

St. Kitts and Nevis signs OCM MoU
Sep 10, 2024 News articles
St. Kitts and Nevis signs OCM MoU

The Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis has signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the CLME+ region’s Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM). 

Countries and territories that are eligible for direct financial support from the GEF and that are full PROCARIBE+ participants.

Antigua and Barbuda
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Saint Lucia
St Kitts and Nevis
Trinidad and Tobago

Countries and territories that can participate in and stand to benefit from the regional-level project activities

British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
France, Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin
French Guiana
Puerto Rico
Sint Eustatius
Sint Maarten
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Kingdom
United States of America
United States Virgin Islands

Lead Agencies

Co-Executing Partners